Writers on Writing: Peter Orner

Sunday, October 7, 2012, 5:00 pm
Associate Professor Peter Orner discusses his novel Love and Shame and Love. Free.
Humanities Building, Humanities Auditorium
Creative Writing Department
Event extras: 

His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Granta, The Paris Review, McSweeney’s, The Southern Review, The Forward, San Francisco Chronicle and Ploughshares. Stories have been anthologized in Best American Stories and twice won a Pushcart Prize. Orner was awarded a 2006 Guggenheim Fellowship and the two-year Lannan Foundation Literary Fellowship. Orner received a law degree from Northeastern University and an M.F.A. from University of Iowa. He joined SF State in 2003.

The Creative Writing Department opens its Writers on Writing course to the public every Monday evening of the semester. Taught by Professor Robert Glück, the course features faculty and visiting writers reading from their works and discussing their creative process.