Women and Gender Studies Lecture Series: Eric A. Stanley

Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 12:30 pm
Photo of Eric A. Stanely wearing baseball cap and ugly sweater
Eric A. Stanley, assistant professor of gender and sexuality studies at University of California, Riverside, discusses "The Affective Commons: Gay Shame, Queer Hate and Other Collective Feelings." Free.
J. Paul Leonard Library, Room 121
Women and Gender Studies Department
Martha Kenney
Event extras: 

Stanley directed the films Homotopia (2006) and Criminal Queers (2016) with Chris Vargas. Stanley is co-editor of the anthology Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (AK Press, 2011), which won the Prevention for a Safe Society award and was a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award. His writing can also be found in the journals Social Text, American Quarterly, Women and Performance and TSQ.
